Maritime and Admiralty

Maritime Law or Admiralty law are terms now used interchangeably. It is a substantive and procedural area of law developed by the Courts and Congress with the goal to create a uniform body of law governing navigation, shipping, and other areas of the maritime industry in order to facilitate national and international commerce. Maritime Law my be applicable to many situations including:
Yacht Insurance
Vessel Charters
Vessel Sales & Transactions
Vessel Documentation & Regulation
Marine Insurance
Collisions & Property Damage
Cargo Loss & Damage
Maritime Liens
Boat Insurance claims
Yachting Accidents & Injuries
Boating Accidents & Injuries
Cruise Ship Injuries
Jones Act Seaman Injury Claims
Maintenance and Cure
If you find yourself in one of these situations and need advice from a Tampa Bay maritime attorney on your legal rights, call 813-825-1267 or email me for a confidential consultation and initial case review.